Who We Serve
Trusted advisor to the following:
Integrated Program Delivery
We are supporting TDOT in the review and implementation of a department wide overall program improvement initiative. TDOT's Strategic Goals are:
- To evaluate and improve the delivery of the overall life cycle of TDOT’s programs from:
- Planning
- Development
- Construction
- Operations
- Maintenance
- Develop a Team Based Culture - Shift focus from functional areas to project teams
- Focused on “Delivery as Promised” – Scope, Schedule, Budget, and Quality
- Institute Risk Management – Identification, Avoidance, Mitigation
- Ensure Predictability and Consistency
- Institute Project Management
- Instill Innovation and Efficiency in the Processes
Empowering People Influencing Culture
We are supporting TDOT in the review and implementation of an organizational structure that will help them to achieve their vision of promoting the success of their employees with a renewed focus on their values of consistency, integrity, and stewardship. TDOT's Strategic Goals are:
- Balance the span of control and increase relationships
- Develop multiple career paths
- Compensate to industry benchmarks
- Strengthen checks and balances
- Establish a culture of accomplishment
Strategic Planning
We are supporting NDOT in the development and execution of their 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. NDOT's Strategic Goals are:
- To create and implement a Department wide Strategic Plan that will guide the Department for the next 6 years. This Plan will:
- Build the right Culture
- Allow for Innovation
- Support Employee Growth
- Focus on Asset Management
- Instill Performance Management
- Improve Organizational Structure and Reporting
- Streamline Budgeting Processes
- Ensure that the Strategic Plan is communicated throughout the Department
- Monitor and improve the action plans from year to year
Operations and Maintenance Program Review
We are supporting NDOT in the review and implementation of their overall operations and maintenance program improvement initiative. NDOT's Strategic Goals are:
- To evaluate and improve the delivery of NDOT’s operations and maintenance programs from:
- Asset Management
- Performance Management
- Fleet and Facilities Management
- District Operations
- Organizational Structure and Reporting
- Budgeting Processes
- Traffic Operations
- Ensure Predictability and Consistency
- Instill Innovation and Efficiency in the Processes
North Carolina
Integrated Program Delivery
We assisted NCDOT Leadership in the development of overall program delivery improvements: NCDOT's Strategic Goals are:
- Continuous review of existing Programs
- Continuous review leading practices from other US State DOTs
- Make recommendations on improvements to identified Program Delivery processes
- Support NCDOT’s BUILD and INFRA Grant applications development
- Support the development of Technical Services Division process improvements
- Support NCDOT Leadership with evaluating and making recommendations on the Organizational effectiveness and efficiencies to better align performance with strategic goals
Performance-Based Operations Project
We supported MDOT in developing a performance-based approach to delivering core services in highway maintenance and transportation services. Our key activities included:
- Field measurement to determine the current levels of service
- Establishment of outcome/output based performance measures and levels of service
- Cost model for maintenance activities
- Risk management, financial plan, and organizational changes
- Enterprise Asset Management System requirements and procurement
Maintenance Budgeting
Potential opportunities for improvement were identified to ensure that base operational needs and system preservation needs are funded at sustainable levels, while simultaneously providing incentives to drive the overall productivity and cost effectiveness of maintenance activities.
New York
Parks and Recreation Department – Asset Management
We developed a standardized protocol for asset inspections to inform capital project planning, with a phased implementation planto incorporating all asset types into the system.
- Supported FDOT in the review of their maintenance contracts and made recommendations for improvements
- Supported FDOT in their partnering efforts with maintenance contractors
- Identified areas to use the Flexible Asset Management Services (FAMS) contracts
Southwest Light Rail Transit (SWLRT) - Overall Project Budget $2 Billion - Working with the Leadership of Metro Council and Lunda/McCrossan JV. We supported their efforts to build an effective relationship through Partnering to deliver a successful project for all parties.
Western Federal Lands - Worked with WFL Leadership to support their efforts to change the culture of their construction program to a Partnering relationship between staff and contractors. This work included holding Partnering sessions with contractors and WFL staff to establish goals and objectives and to develop a roadmap to educate and institute a Partnering program.
I-74 Mississippi River Bridge Project - Worked with the Leadership of Iowa DOT/Illinois DOT and Lunda Construction to support their efforts to build an effective relationship through Partnering to deliver a successful project for all parties.
I-70 River Bridge Project - Working with the Leadership of Missouri DOT and Lunda Construction, supporting their efforts to build an effective relationship through Partnering to deliver a successful project for all parties.
Lone Rock Design-Build Project - Working with the Leadership of Wisconsin DOT and Kraemer Construction, supporting their efforts to build an effective relationship through Partnering to deliver a successful project for all parties.
AMOTIA - Association for the Management and Operations of Transportation Infrastructure Assets
Assisted the Association in the development of a new contracting model to use with US DOTs. Interviewed DOT leadership in Florida, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Utah, and Arizona to identify and understand their program needs and discuss potential contracting solutions for outsourcing of maintenance activities. We recommended that AMOTIA members work with the DOT community to consider the build-out and market deployment of Flexible Asset Management Services (FAMS). FAMS is a suite of offerings to provide DOTs with the ability to choose customized maintenance services. The FAMS Program enables DOTs to customize the procurement to meet their specific needs by allocating work requirements into an appropriate combination of four contracting methodologies for optimum efficiency to include:
- Lump-sum performance-based maintenance services
- Unit/cycle pricing for identified maintenance activities
- Staff augmentation
- Individual Staff Hours
Review of TAMS Contract
We supported the review of VDOT's performance-based Turnkey Asset Maintenance Services (TAMS) contracts to perform highway maintenance on its Interstate System. We also assisted VDOT with the following services:
- Develop an action plan to address key issues
- Provide recommendations for TAMS contract procurement documents
- Develop performance measures and levels of service for maintenance activities
- Identification of data and reports in support of the action plan
- Identify organizational changes needed to address recommendations
Asset Management Project
We assisted UDOT in their review and assessment of current asset management practices for highway maintenance. The emphasis was on asset management program improvement. UDOT was interested in an action plan that may lead the organization to the realization of cost saving benefits. Another point of emphasis was to ensure the sustainability of the expected savings. This work targeted the assessment and development of an asset management strategy, vision, and implementation plan to help guide the organization as it sought to evolve its asset management program. A leading asset management organizational framework based on the Institute of Asset Management and ISO 55000 was used as a guide for UDOT.
If you need any further information about our construction program management services, please connect with us.

Riverside County - Facilities and Fleet Operations Review
We evaluated and made improvement recommendations of the current Fleet and Facilities operations. The key objectives of the review were:
- Review the current operations and make recommendations on an alternative operating model and/or rates that may be more effective or efficient
- Identify potential operational efficiencies, from industry leading practices, that may be able to reduce the overall cost to deliver the program